Crude Oil Degradation by Penicilium and Mucor Species Isolated From Fresh Water Swamp
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Published: 25 June 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
Two genera of fungi -Penicillium and Mucor species were screened for petroleum hydrocarbon degradation capability by subjecting them to a three-week oil degradation test in a mildly agitated mineral salts liquid medium. Growth was measured by visual estimation of mycelial tissue, while percent residual oil and pH were measured with spectrophotometer and pH meter respectively. Growth of Mucor species was profuse while Penicilium had sparse growth in the culture medium, giving a mean degradation rate (%) of 55.3 + 10.6 and 45.0 + 11.8 for Mucor and Penicilium species respectively, with an accompanying increase in pH of growth medium. Analysis of variance however indicated lack of significant difference between both fungal genera in the rate of biodegradation on one hand ((F (2, 6=0.27), p>0.05) and changes in pH of growth media on the other hand (F (2, 6 = 2.26), p>0.05). Thus, Mucor species may be a suitable candidate for preparation of probiotics for stimulating the biodegradation of oil in vulnerable environments.
Keywords: Biodegradation, Penicilium, Mucor, Hydrocarbon, pH.

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How to Cite
Dirisu C.G, Ogbulie J.N, Orji J.C, Eresia-Eke R, Olowu M , Richard N.U. (2018-06-25). "Crude Oil Degradation by Penicilium and Mucor Species Isolated From Fresh Water Swamp." *Volume 2*, 2, 76-81